Sunday, November 30, 2008


Pada hari jumaat yang lepas kelab bowling FET UniKl buat pertama kalinya untuk semesta kedua menganjurkan tournament kecil antara ahli2 kelab. terbahagi kepada 13 kumpulan dengan 3 orang untuk setiap kumpulan.................... Seperti biasa diaorang selalo pandang2 saya macam tak puas hati je........ Ini semua gara2 cara saya baling bola yang agak aneh(spinner) daripada mereka yang laen2.......................... tapi last2 dorang suruh saya ajar dorang jgk.

Yang paling menyampahnya asyik xmasuk poket je. so, pin asyik tertinggal satu je. bujet nak dapat score 200 keatas, tp setakat dapat 161 je. aisehhhh......... mungkin houseball kat sana dah masuk angin kot. Tp seronok la dapat maen dengan member2...... Bukan senang nak ade peluang macam nih...

p/s: seperti biasa ayat diatas telah bercampur aduk dengan bahasa ibunda dan bahasa anakanda (sms)............ dan gambar diatas juga bukanlah gambar sebenar. tah gambar daripada mana la tu....... maen amik je..... SEKIAN.....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My laptop VS my friend laptop!!

Alkisah dua buah laptop...

Kat atas tu laptop saya. Dell XPS M1330... Kat bawah tu pulak laptop cubemate
saya. Tablet pc Hp Pavilion tx 2000... Ram dua2 laptop same besar, iaitu 2 GB.. Tp Hard disk space saya yang menang. 250 GB berbanding laptop dia hanya basic 160 GB... Pity... Tp perrghh... Dia punya processor agak gempak iaitu AMD Athlon X2.. Saya cume Centrino core 2 duo. Ade tapi lagi, tapi die punye graphic card share dengan RAM tak macam saya, saya punya tak payah share. ade sendiri2.. so, refree kate laptop XPS M1330 saya adalah the best among the best.

p/s: ayat diatas telah ditapis menggunakan ayat sms dan menyebabkan sebahagian daripada anda takkan paham ape yang ditulis. Harap maklum...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Snape is the new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher. The new teacher at Hogwarts, Horace Slughorn, teaches Potions (Snape's old subject).

The Half Blood Prince is a name found in a used Advanced potions book Harry uses that gives helpful potions tips and spells, one of which is extremely dangerous. The Half-Blood Prince turns out to be Severus Snape. Half-Blood refers to the fact that his father was a muggle (Tobias Snape) but the Prince part refers to his mother's maiden name (Eileen Prince).

Harry rightly suspects Draco Malfoy of being a Death Eater. Draco manages to sneak Death Eaters into Hogwarts using a pair of vanishing cabinets. Draco was supposed to kill Dumbledore, but finds himself unable to.

Dumbledore and Harry explore Voldemort's past, learning about Horcruxes, which are divisions of Voldemort's soul, making him immortal until they are all destroyed. There are Seven pieces of his soul (two already destroyed) including the one in Voldemort. Harry and Dumbledore try to get one, but the aftermath leaves Dumbledore weak and unable to fight off the Death Eaters.....

to know the story, watch the story by yourself!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

My New BOwling Ball

Ni la aku punye bola bowling baru ......sebenarnye takde la baru sangat dah lebih 2 bulan dah beli bola ni....skarang my spinner skill pun dah improve tapi skor je tak konsisten ape-ape hal pun I'll do my best to improve my skill......I hope i will be the best spinner in the Village.....hahaha..